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- /*⌐ Copyright 1989-1991 UserLand Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.*/
- /*
- Last Update: 9/29/91 DW.
- Briefly -- this is a very small program that demonstrates the UserLand Menu Sharing
- protocol. For detailed info, see the enclosed technote -- "Sharing Menus with Frontier."
- You can search the source code for menu sharing highlights by searching for the
- following string: "See Step #". The step numbers refer to steps in the "Cookbook"
- section of the enclosed technote.
- Please contact UserLand Software at AppleLink USERLAND.DTS or at 415-325-5700 for
- further information on the Menu Sharing protocol.
- We hope you like menu sharing and add it to your Macintosh application.
- Thanks!
- Dave Winer
- UserLand Software
- */
- #include <menusharing.h> /*See Step #6*/
- #include <iac.h> /*See Step #5*/
- #define applemenu 128 /*the resource id of the apple menu*/
- #define aboutitem 1 /*the about command*/
- #define filemenu 129 /*resource id of file menu, shared menus appear to right of this*/
- #define firstsharedmenu filemenu+1 /*resource id for first shared menu*/
- #define quititem 1 /*the single item in the file menu -- this is a very simple program!*/
- MenuHandle happlemenu, hfilemenu; /*the two fixed, non-shared menus in this program*/
- WindowPtr mainwindow = nil; /*the menu sharing test window*/
- Str255 windowmessage; /*the message that's displayed in the main window*/
- short flexitmainloop = false; /*when true we fall thru the main event loop*/
- static void copystring (Str255 source, Str255 dest) {
- /*
- create a copy of source in dest. copy the length byte and
- all the characters in the source string.
- assume the strings are pascal strings, with the length byte in
- the first character of the string.
- */
- register short i, len;
- len = (short) source [0];
- for (i = 0; i <= len; i++)
- dest [i] = source [i];
- } /*copystring*/
- static void ellipsize (Str255 s, short width) {
- /*
- if the string fits inside the given number of pixels, fine -- do nothing
- and return.
- if not, return a string that does fit, with ellipses representing the
- deleted characters. ellipses are generated by pressing option-semicolon.
- */
- register char len;
- register short newwidth;
- if ((newwidth = StringWidth (s)) <= width) /*nothing to do, the string fits*/
- return;
- len = s [0]; /* current length in characters*/
- width -= CharWidth ('╔'); /* subtract width of ellipses*/
- do { /*until it fits (or we run out of characters)*/
- newwidth -= CharWidth (s [len]);
- --len;
- } while ((newwidth > width) && (len != 0));
- ++len; /*make room for the ellipses*/
- s [len] = '╔';
- s [0] = (char) len;
- } /*ellipsize*/
- static void centerstring (Rect r, Str255 s) {
- /*
- draw the string in the current font, size and style, centered inside
- the indicated rectangle.
- */
- register short rh = r.bottom - r.top;
- register short rw = r.right - r.left;
- register short h, v;
- FontInfo fi;
- GetFontInfo (&fi);
- ellipsize (s, rw); /*make sure it fits inside the rectangle, width-wise*/
- h = r.left + ((rw - StringWidth (s)) / 2);
- v = r.top + ((rh - (fi.ascent + fi.descent)) / 2) + fi.ascent;
- MoveTo (h, v);
- ClipRect (&r);
- DrawString (s);
- } /*centerstring*/
- static void setfontsizestyle (short fontnum, short fontsize, short fontstyle) {
- TextFont (fontnum);
- TextSize (fontsize);
- TextFace (fontstyle);
- } /*setfontsizestyle*/
- static void updatemainwindow (void) {
- Rect r;
- Str255 s;
- r = (*mainwindow).portRect;
- EraseRect (&r);
- setfontsizestyle (helvetica, 12, 0);
- centerstring (r, windowmessage);
- NumToString (FreeMem () / 1024, s);
- MoveTo (r.left + 3, r.bottom - 3);
- setfontsizestyle (geneva, 9, 0);
- DrawString (s);
- DrawString ("\pK");
- } /*updatemainwindow*/
- static Boolean setwindowmessage (Str255 s) {
- copystring (s, windowmessage);
- SetPort (mainwindow);
- updatemainwindow ();
- return (true);
- } /*setwindowmessage*/
- static Boolean initmainwindow (void) {
- register WindowPtr w;
- w = mainwindow = GetNewWindow (128, nil, (WindowPtr) -1);
- if (w == nil)
- return (false);
- ShowWindow (w);
- return (true);
- } /*initmainwindow*/
- static void handleupdate (EventRecord *ev) {
- register WindowPtr w;
- w = (WindowPtr) (*ev).message;
- BeginUpdate (w);
- SetPort (w);
- updatemainwindow ();
- EndUpdate (w);
- } /*handleupdate*/
- static void handledrag (EventRecord *ev, WindowPtr w) {
- Rect r;
- r = qd.screenBits.bounds;
- r.top = r.top + GetMBarHeight ();
- InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
- DragWindow (w, (*ev).where, &r);
- } /*handledrag*/
- static void handlemenu (long codeword) {
- register short idmenu, iditem;
- iditem = LoWord (codeword);
- idmenu = HiWord (codeword);
- if (SharedMenuHit (idmenu, iditem)) /*See Step #3*/
- goto exit;
- switch (idmenu) {
- case applemenu:
- switch (iditem) {
- case aboutitem:
- Alert (262, nil);
- break;
- default: {
- Str255 s;
- GetItem (happlemenu, iditem, s);
- OpenDeskAcc (s);
- break;
- }
- } /*switch*/
- break; /*apple menu*/
- case filemenu:
- switch (iditem) {
- case quititem:
- flexitmainloop = true;
- break;
- } /*switch*/
- break; /*file menu*/
- } /*switching on which menu was invoked*/
- exit:
- HiliteMenu (0);
- } /*handlemenu*/
- static void handlemouse (EventRecord *ev) {
- register short part;
- WindowPtr w;
- part = FindWindow ((*ev).where, &w);
- if (w != nil)
- if (w != FrontWindow ()) { /*just like all other Mac programs*/
- SelectWindow (w);
- return; /*the mouse click is consumed by the bringtofront operation*/
- }
- switch (part) {
- case inMenuBar:
- handlemenu (MenuSelect ((*ev).where));
- break;
- case inSysWindow:
- SystemClick (ev, w);
- break;
- case inDrag:
- handledrag (ev, w);
- break;
- } /*switch*/
- } /*handlemouse*/
- static void handlekeystroke (EventRecord *ev) { /*See Step #4*/
- register char ch = (*ev).message & charCodeMask;
- if (SharedScriptRunning ()) { /*cmd-period terminates the script*/
- if (((*ev).modifiers & cmdKey) && (ch == '.')) {
- CancelSharedScript (); /*cancel the shared menu script, if one is running*/
- return;
- }
- }
- handlemenu (MenuKey (ch)); /*not cmd-period, process the normal way*/
- } /*handlekeystroke*/
- static void handleevent (EventRecord *ev) {
- switch ((*ev).what) {
- case keyDown: case autoKey:
- handlekeystroke (ev);
- break;
- case mouseDown:
- handlemouse (ev);
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- handleupdate (ev);
- break;
- case kHighLevelEvent:
- AEProcessAppleEvent (ev);
- break;
- } /*switch*/
- } /*handleevent*/
- static void maineventloop (void) {
- EventRecord ev;
- while (!flexitmainloop) {
- if (WaitNextEvent (everyEvent, &ev, 1, nil))
- handleevent (&ev);
- CheckSharedMenus (firstsharedmenu); /*See Step #2*/
- } /*while*/
- } /*maineventloop*/
- static void initmenus (void) {
- /*
- set up our apple and file menus. nothing fancy.
- */
- happlemenu = GetMenu (applemenu);
- AddResMenu (happlemenu, 'DRVR');
- InsertMenu (happlemenu, 0);
- hfilemenu = GetMenu (filemenu);
- InsertMenu (hfilemenu, 0);
- DrawMenuBar ();
- } /*initmenus*/
- static void initmacintosh (void) {
- /*
- the magic stuff that every Macintosh application needs to do
- before doing anything else.
- */
- register short i;
- MaxApplZone ();
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- MoreMasters ();
- InitGraf (&qd.thePort);
- InitFonts ();
- FlushEvents (everyEvent, 0);
- InitWindows ();
- InitMenus ();
- TEInit ();
- InitDialogs (nil);
- InitCursor ();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /*register with Multifinder*/
- EventRecord ev;
- EventAvail (everyEvent, &ev); /*see TN180 -- splash screen*/
- } /*for*/
- } /*initmacintosh*/
- static pascal OSErr quitroutine (AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon) {
- flexitmainloop = true;
- return (noErr);
- } /*quitroutine*/
- static pascal OSErr setmessageverb (AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon) {
- Str255 s;
- if (SharedScriptCancelled (event, reply)) /*See Step #5*/
- return (noErr);
- IACglobals.event = event;
- IACglobals.reply = reply;
- if (!IACgetstringparam ((OSType) keyDirectObject, s))
- return (false);
- IACreturnboolean (setwindowmessage (s));
- return (noErr);
- } /*setmessageverb*/
- void main (void) {
- initmacintosh ();
- if (!InitSharedMenus ()) /*See Step #1*/
- goto error;
- if (AEInstallEventHandler ('TEST', 'smsg', (ProcPtr) setmessageverb, 0, false) != noErr)
- goto error;
- if (AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, (ProcPtr) quitroutine, 0, false) != noErr)
- goto error;
- initmenus ();
- initmainwindow ();
- maineventloop ();
- ExitToShell ();
- error:
- Alert (261, nil); /*this application requires system 7.0 or higher*/
- ExitToShell ();
- } /*main*/